About Us

Who We Are
Damascus is a missionary movement that partners with the work of the Holy Spirit to bring revival to the Catholic Church in America.
Our mission is to awaken, empower, and equip a generation to live the adventure of the Catholic faith through world-class programs and an environment of encounter.

The Need
We are living in the midst of a crisis of faith. The statistics are startling.
Many Catholics view their faith as dull and boring, irrelevant and unimportant. Still others see Catholicism as outdated and out-of-touch.
The effects of this crisis go far beyond empty church buildings. It has produced a generation who are grappling with the emptiness of their own hearts, wandering in search of the happiness, fulfillment, and truth that can only be found in Christ.
5 out of 6 young people confirmed in your parish today will no longer be practicing their Catholic faith within 10 years of their Confirmation.
Over 50% of Americans raised Catholic no longer identify as such.
More than 70% of American Catholics no longer attend Mass regularly.
The Solution
Of those who remain Catholic after college, 89% identify a particular event or experience that triggered their faith commitment. Damascus exists to provide these events and experiences.
We believe in the power of the Holy Spirit to transform lives, reverse the trends, and awaken generations of Catholics to a faith that is deep, contagious, and joy-filled. We seek to respond faithfully to His initiative by providing an environment of encounter with Jesus to thousands through world-class camps, retreats, and conferences every year while forming lifelong missionary leaders for the Church.

Annual Impact
How did we get here?
Learn more about how a traveling summer camp became a missionary movement with national impact.